Oportunitate rara de investitie intr-o zona excelenta!
Teren intravilan construibil, amplasat strategic in zona Drumul Poienii - Poiana Mica, perfect pentru proiecte rezidentiale sau turistice.
Detalii proprietate:
Suprafata teren: 10.440 mp
Regim de inaltime: S+P+2E+M
Front stradal: 217 metri, cu acces direct la drum asfaltat
Utilitati: Toate utilitatile se afla in proximitatea terenului, gata pentru conectare
POT: 25%
CUT: 1
Certificat de urbanism valabil: te poti apuca imediat de constructie, eliminand timpii de asteptare.
Localizare premium: In inima naturii, intr-o zona cu potential ridicat pentru dezvoltare rezidentiala, hoteliera sau case de vacanta.
Accesibilitate excelenta: Drumul asfaltat asigura un acces facil catre teren, iar amplasarea terenului este intr-o zona EXCEPTIONALA!
Acest teren este potrivit pentru tine daca:
- Esti dezvoltator imobiliar in cautare de oportunitati pentru un proiect rezidential de lux, un hotel boutique sau case de vacanta, intr-o zona cu potential turistic ridicat.
- Esti investitor strategic si vrei sa achizitionezi un teren intr-o locatie premium, cu valoare in crestere, pe care il poti valorifica pe termen lung.
- Esti antreprenor din domeniul turistic si doresti sa dezvolti o pensiune, un complex hotelier sau alte facilitati care sa atraga turisti in zona Poiana Brasov..
- Ai o viziune pe termen lung si vezi acest teren ca pe o investitie cu multiple optiuni de dezvoltare si profitabilitate.
Acest teren nu este pentru tine daca:
- Cauti un teren mai mic, cu o investitie redusa si fara potential de dezvoltare extinsa.
- Nu esti pregatit sa investesti in proiecte complexe, care necesita planificare si implicare pe termen lung.
- Ai nevoie de un teren pentru o constructie simpla, intr-o zona mai accesibila din punct de vedere financiar.
- Nu ai resursele necesare achizitiei.
Contacteaza-ma pentru detalii suplimentare si/sau programarea unei vizionari!
Buildable intravilan land, strategically located in the Drumul Poienii - Poiana Mica area, perfect for residential or tourist projects.
Property Details:
Land Area: 10,440 sqm
Height Regime: B+GF+2F+A
Street Frontage: 217 meters, with direct access to a paved road
Utilities: All utilities are near the land and ready for connection
POT: 25%
CUT: 1
Valid Urban Planning Certificate: You can start construction immediately, saving valuable time.
Premium Location: In the heart of nature, in an area with high potential for residential, hotel, or vacation home development.
Excellent Accessibility: The paved road ensures easy access to the land, which is situated in an EXCEPTIONAL location!
This land is for you if:
You are a real estate developer looking for opportunities to create a luxury residential project, a boutique hotel, or vacation homes in a highly sought-after tourist area.
You are a strategic investor seeking to purchase land in a premium location with growing value, ready to leverage its potential in the long term.
You are a tourism entrepreneur eager to develop a guesthouse, hotel complex, or other facilities to attract tourists to the Poiana Brasov area.
You have a long-term vision and see this land as an investment with multiple development and profitability options.
This land is not for you if:
You are looking for a smaller plot of land with a lower investment and limited development potential.
You are not prepared to invest in complex projects that require planning and long-term involvement.
You need land for a simple construction project in a more affordable area.
You lack the necessary resources for the purchase.
Contact me for more details and/or to schedule a viewing!